The gruesome murder of four innocent children at the Tan family remains one of the most heinous crime in Singapore...
Crime & Mystery
The History Behind Haunted Amber Beacon Tower
January 3, 2021
1 Reply
From a floating lady in white to bloodstains on the steps, the deadly past of Amber Beacon Tower has made...
The History Behind Old Changi Hospital
December 15, 2020
From a rumoured torture chamber to sightings of the spirit of a nurse haunting the hallways, Old Changi Hospital gives...
The History Behind: Haunted Hillview Mansion
November 30, 2020
1 Reply
Once poised to be the highest and most expensive residential property in the region, it is now one of the...
The History Behind Istana Woodneuk
October 18, 2020
Surrounded by thick vegetation and a troubling past, the now abandoned Istana Woodneuk continues to plague the mansion till this...
7 Myths and Folklores of Singapore You Will Never Believe
October 2, 2020
Singapore may be young and small, but it is home to some incredible tales that even Singaporeans wouldn't believe!
10 Bone-Chilling Murders in Singapore That Shocked the Nation
September 14, 2020
Despite being rated as one of the safest country to live in, Singapore is home to some of the most...