1972 Queenstown Mystery “Sniping” Murder

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exploringsingapore is exclusive ExplorerSG mini series where we reveal some of the lesser-known places, facts and history of Singapore.

On the fateful day on 18 September 1972, 22-year-old Malaysian seamstress Chan Chee Chan was walking with her sister along Commonwealth Avenue (Queen’s Circus) when she collapsed all of a sudden.

Chan was immediately sent to Singapore General Hospital where it was revealed that she was wounded by a .22 calibre bullet that pierced her upper left chest and punctured her heart; Chan was pronounced dead after 11 hours of unconsciousness.

An investigation was conducted with hundreds of interviews and ballistic tests with registered guns owned by civilians. Initial investigation suggested that she was sniped from a neighbouring high-rise building, forming the infamous “Queenstown Sniping Murder” case. Theorists have suggested that it may have been an accidental discharge from the neighbouring Queenstown Police Station. An unnamed firearm expert came forward and posited that it was fired at close range from a .22 pistol or revolver, possibly from a passing car.

The lack of evidence and motive have made the Queenstown “Sniping” murder one of the most mysterious case ever in Singapore’s history. After almost five decades, it remains open and unsolved.

(Image credits: mustsharenews)